Florida never fails with providing silly add news. Chey Parker shares another story from the crazy state of Florida at the wonderful restaurant of Waffle House. Take a listen…  

Every so often their are news stories that make you say WHhhhaaatttt???!!! So on Angie Ange in the Morning we have a segment called Silly Ass News. Here are the stories that were featured today in “SAN”. http://www.fox5dc.com/news/florida-man-can-t-swim-but-jumped-into-lake-to-avoid-arrest-deputies-say

Yesterday, the Trayvon Martin case heated up as the prosecution delivered their closing remarks to the jury. Prosecutor Bernie De La Rionda was fired up delivering a harsh conclusion to the most controversial case this decade has seen thus far. Rionda brought light to the fact that Zimmerman’s stories aren’t quite matching up stating, “If […]