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According to Jonathan Cainer:

Your Week Ahead: Is something making you nervous? Are you feeling a little pushed, rushed, put upon and provoked? It could just be that this is precisely the kind of annoyance you need. It is all very well saying, ‘I would like a quiet life.’ But surely, you do not also want a dull one? Excitement requires stimulation. Often this cannot help but take the form of aggravation. Here is a real question. Do you also have a sense of hopelessness? If so, overcome this, for as long as you pursue positive action, all will be well.

Your Week Ahead – Love Focus: People who are in the wrong usually loudly proclaim themselves to be completely in the right. If they cannot get away with pretending that no mistake has been made, they will turn their energy instead towards the task of blaming someone else for it! What is even more ironic is that there are other people who, despite being clearly in the right, feel too shy – or unnecessarily guilty – to defend themselves. Events in your emotional life now bring clear proof of how wise you have been lately. Don’t be humble; be proud!
