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It’s Hump Day and you need a smile.

So take a look at the photo above. At first glance it may look like the toddler is upset because…toddlers. But according to his parents, he’s just a bit overwhelmed from meeting his heroes — the local garbage men.

We told you you would smile.

Here’s how it all went down. Two-year-old Quincy Kroner of Cincinnati loves garbage trucks. It’s his thing. And every Friday, Quincy knows when they’re coming, his father Ollie Kroner, told ABC News.

“From the moment he hears them from blocks away he runs to the window, climbs up on the couch and watches them.”

And from afar, the garbage men “put on a show” for Quincy as well. Kroner tells ABC that the guys on the truck are always honking and waving.

“They’ve developed a kind of relationship through the window,” he added.

But Quincy wasn’t prepared for what happened last Friday. His father asked the men if they would take a photo with the tot, but upon meeting his heroes, Quincy couldn’t even. He just couldn’t. And he ended up melting into a pile of tears.

You’re smiling, aren’t you?

“He was so excited leading up to it but then when the moment came he became undone,” Kroner said, adding that the noise of the truck may have been louder up close than the little boy was expecting. But, Kroner said, Quincy recovered quickly after the photo was taken. “I just don’t think he thought it all the way through.”

We’re sure he’s not going to think this photo is so cute a decade from now, but Quincy, just know that you made our day that one week in 2015. After all, it proves that not all superheroes need a cape, and no matter how cliché, that’s a valuable life lesson.


We Can’t Help But Smile At This Little Boy’s Reaction To Meeting His Garbage Men Heroes  was originally published on newsone.com