
In the 1980s, musicians only scratched the surface of what could be done with the music video. Michael Jackson set the standard and in the…

We asked Comedian Shang, “Emmanuel Lewis or Gary Coleman?” Check out his answer below!

If the early 1990′s will be remembered for one thing, it’s the sound of a dog barking, but not by a dog itself, by a…

If the early 1990′s will be remembered for one thing, it’s the sound of a dog barking, but not by a dog itself, by a…

Vashawn Mitchell talks about his most inspiring moments, “Way Black When”.

We asked Comedian Shang, “Emmanuel Lewis or Gary Coleman?” Check out his answer below!

Uptown magazine co-founder Len Burnett talks about how a reality check by his father inspired him to become a succesful magazine publisher in this episode…

Charlotte boutique owner Leonard Gresham, owner of Styles By Privilege, says Duke Ellington was more than a musician. He was a master of style.

Charlotte-based columnist Mary C. Curtis pays homage to her parents in this episode of Way Black When.

Charlotte-based R&B singer Rudy Currence talks about the influence of family and God in this episode of Way Black When.

Charlotte-based actor and cutie Yandrick Paraison talked about how his parents, Haitian immigrants, inspired him in this episode of Way Black When.