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According to Jonathan Cainer:

Your Week Ahead: Can there ever be peace, prosperity, freedom from fear, joy, contentment, fulfilment and serenity? Well actually, yes there can. And you are not as far now, from any of this, as you may suspect. Think of a lake, deep and still. On the surface, ripples wildly roll. On the surface in your life, there’s much craziness and chaos. The further we look, though, at what you are really doing and feeling and thinking, the more we find you in a strong, sensible position, making moves that can only work out right for everyone in the end.

Your Week Ahead – Love Focus: Stress isn’t over yet. You wish it was and that’s understandable. It is a wish that stands a high chance of being granted. Soon, you may draw towards the end of a drama. Much that currently seems uncertain and confused should become clear and smooth again, at least for a while. Right now, though, we find you juggling with the emotional equivalent of new-laid eggs. Or building towers with blocks of jelly. Nothing is yet as stable as it is going to become. A little more time needs to pass first. So, go carefully and try please, not to worry.
