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According to Jonathan Cainer:

Your Week Ahead: How can you miss what you haven’t had? Well, in a funny kind of way, you can miss it more! You can turn it, in your imagination, into something it isn’t. You can pine much more poignantly for what you’ve never had. Somewhere in the back of your mind, there’s an awareness of a ‘missed opportunity’. Actually, it wasn’t such a great chance after all. And, if you are not careful or conscious this week, your resentment may cause you to miss something much more real, valuable and immediate. Look forward with faith.

Your Week Ahead – Love Focus: Think about places of glorious, scenic, beauty or miracles of nature such as flowers. They don’t have to work at their appearance. They just look good through being themselves. As do you. It is important now, not to underestimate the extent to which you are attractive, persuasive, appealing and capable of radiating great charm. It is time to make a psychological commitment to go softly, sweetly, gently and kindly through your emotional life, no matter how stressed you may feel. Then the right things will happen naturally.
