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According to Jonathan Cainer:

Your Week Ahead: You are following a particular plan for a very specific reason. You may not yet be getting much by way of a result, but that doesn’t mean you are making a mistake. Good things take time. Very good things can sometimes take an awful lot of time. When you are standing on top of a mountain, it is easy to plot a route through the valley ahead. When you are down in those dales, it is hard to remember quite how far you could once see. Yet you are much nearer this week, to your ideal destination than you were before.

Your Week Ahead – Love Focus: In some cultural traditions important sacred buildings, are never completed. No matter how beautifully constructed they may be, there will always be some part that is deliberately left unfinished. The symbolism here says something about our obsession with ‘resolution’. We want everything to be tied up, sorted out, and preferably finished off with a neat little bow. We like things to have a beginning, a middle and an end! That isn’t always possible, though. There’s something very right about what’s now wrong.
