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‘Listen To Black Men’ Season 2 Debuts On A Serious Note About Miscarriage

Listen To Black Men x Tyler Chronicles

Source: / Interactive One

The second season of the Listen To Black Men digital series returns with a serious discussion on miscarriage & how it affects the men in the relationship.

The highly popular Listen To Black Men returns for a second season with an episode that tackles the serious topic of miscarriages, the mortality of Black women giving birth, and how they affect fathers-to-be. The panel of Mouse Jones, Tyler Chronicles, and Jeremie Rivers are joined in the conversation by veteran media personality Rae Holliday, rapper and the Love & Hip-Hop reality star Lil Scrappy and the Morning Hustle host Lore’l.

Mouse kicks off the conversation by citing the steep mortality rates of pregnant Black women in the nation. “When there’s a lost pregnancy, how does that not just affect the couple? Because usually when I see it discussed, it’s through the lens of the mother and then the relationship.” Tyler Chronicles speaks on the subject, drawing from his own situation of himself and his partners experiencing four miscarriages. “I never took the time out to figure out how I felt about it, and I still don’t really know how I feel about it.” When asked further about his feelings, he said: “It does challenge your manhood because

Lore’l asked Tyler about his feelings when people ask “Why don’t you have kids?” and the insensitivity behind it. “You opening up about that did give me more enlightenment,” she stated. “Because that could be as insensitive as asking me. I’ve never been pregnant in my life. But we do as women need to be a little more sensitive when it comes to that when it comes to men because we don’t think it affects y’all as much as it does us.”

Lil Scrappy also spoke about his experiences in dealing with a miscarriage reflectively. “You deal with it, and you just gotta look at it as a lesson and a blessing. That kid might not come in, but something else could be birthed out of that situation.” When asked by Rae on how to show up for their partner in that situation, Scrappy answered, “You just have to be there for them. Give them what they want, and what they need.”

Check out more of the riveting conversation on the new episode of Listen To Black Men above.



‘Listen To Black Men’ Season 2 Debuts On A Serious Note About Miscarriage  was originally published on