
Model Hannah Davis flashes a sultry grin with perfectly photo shopped size B’s and the space between her lady lips and her obnoxiously flat stomach…

Just because your honey isn’t giving you flowers and taking you out to dinner tonight doesn’t mean they love you any less. Valentine’s Day is…

As new couples and those who have been together for years recognize each other this Valentine’s Day, the focus is on things like flowers, chocolates,…

If you aren’t currently in a relationship—and especially if you’ve recently ended one—you might not be looking forward to Valentine’s Day. The lovey-dovey cards, heart-shaped…

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, but many couples are confused about the dos and don’ts of this special day. Should you go to dinner? Should…

Taking care of your eyes also may benefit your overall health. People with vision problems are more likely than those with good vision to have physical ailments

Known for their invigorating and scintillating live performances, compellingly honest song writing and radiantly optimistic anthems, Avery*Sunshine has steadily filled a void for those starved for authentic, no holds barred soul and R&B. The dynamic duo, featuring the honey-toned alto of songbird and pianist Avery*Sunshine and guitarist and vocalist Dana “BigDane” Johnson, have collaborated with […]

Each year around 13,500 children are diagnosed with cancer in the US, that’s more than a classroom of kids a day.Cancer kills more children than…

In science fiction movies, it seems like it is easy to edit the genetics of a living organism. In reality, it is very, very difficult.…