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According to Jonathan Cainer:

Your Week Ahead: If you want to steer your car down a long road, it helps to have your wheels pointing in the same direction. Your head and heart are in a state of disagreement. Useful progress is going to be hard to achieve. These two driving forces in your life must be made to back each other up. You can’t simply ignore one, while allowing yourself to be guided by the other. Ask yourself what you feel. Then ask yourself what you think. Next, seek a way to reconcile both impulses. Confusion won’t go away but nor need it threaten you.

Your Week Ahead – Love Focus: Why do many creatures have complex courtship rituals? Throughout nature, where you might expect to find everything geared to efficiency, things have their rhythm and mystique. Seeds are in no hurry to turn into plants. They don’t even necessarily know this is their destiny. They just follow their impulses and let time bring what it will. You now seem to be in something of a hurry to reach a certain point in your emotional life. Don’t be. Enjoy the suspense and the unfolding story. No matter what it ultimately leads to, it’s special.
