8. Q-Tip had a provocative vision for one of his album covers.

“My idea was to have Naoimi Campbell painted nude with those colors with a white background and the tribe painted on her ass. The label thought it was too provocative.”

9. He is a humble artist.

“The fame thing is not what its set out to be,” said Q-Tip. Often referred to as an artist who was reluctant to stardom, Tip shared that he would rather move people like Bob Marley and John Lennon did.


10. In addition to rereleasing “Low End Theory” for its 25th anniversary, Q-Tip will also be releasing a new album on Kanye’s G.O.O.D Music label.


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“The Story Of Q-Tip: 10 Things We’ve Learned From Q-Tip’s BBC Interview  was originally published on theurbandaily.com

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