
One of the main things missing from the overall electoral equation four years ago has seemingly fueled the 2020 early voting turnout: Black people.

Kristen Welker emerged as the real winner of the final presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the moderator managed to calmly keep control in a way that was missing from their first meeting.


The final presidential debate between Democratic nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was a tame fare compared to the first one, but things got a little testy when the topic turned to the contentious topic of immigration.


President Barack Obama called out Donald Trump while making his case in favor of Joe Biden's candidacy in his first campaign speech of the season in Philadelphia.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' presidential campaign released a trio of new ads targeting all Black voters, especially Black women, and answered Trump's "What do you have to lose" question he posed to Black people four years ago.


Mikelina Belaineh, a lawyer and community regeneration advocate, and Rachel Howell, the president of Howard University's Student Association, broke down what's most important to young, Black voters heading into Election Day.

Sen. Kamala Harris won't be traveling for the next few days after a couple of staffers associated with her campaign have tested positive for COVID-19.

Lindsey Graham recalled segregation as "the good old days" while disingenuously trying to show that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett wouldn't work to reverse landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions.

Kamala Harris will likely find herself walking a tightrope of sorts during her questioning of Amy Coney Barrett at the judge’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


If you think the presidential election will be decided before your bedtime on Nov. 3rd, you might be in for quite a disappointment.

Some on Twitter are calling the Chicago superstar's campaign efforts disruptive to the upcoming presidential election.

Most people we know that have contracted the coronavirus have been at home quarantining themselves, trying to get their health together...