

While Biden is open to having a conversation with Republican lawmakers, Democrats remain committed to putting the needs of struggling Americans first.

Donald Trump's legal team defending him in his Senate impeachment trial includes the former prosecutor who granted Bill Cosby immunity for the testimony that ultimately led to the disgraced comedian's conviction for sexual assault.

Cori Bush moved her office farther away from QAnon conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene in a growing movement to have the Georgia Rep. expelled from Congress for "advocacy for extremism and sedition."


President Joe Biden Biden rescinded the Mexico City policy, also known as the “global gag rule,” which prevents non-governmental organizations that receive U.S. aid from providing abortion-related services.


Fresh off of losing several high-profile elections, Georgia Republicans have now turned their sights on trying to make absentee ballots use more difficult to cast.

An open letter is calling on Joe Biden to ensure Black veterans' needs and concerns are finally prioritized after what they described as centuries of neglect and unequal treatment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Donald Trump may be gone from Washington, but Rep. Maxine Waters refuses to forget the damage he did to democracy and American society at large.


President Biden Signs Two Executive Orders   President Joe Biden is wasting no time signing off on executive decisions on Friday to help those struggling with hunger during this pandemic and getting American’s their money faster too! The initiatives are all apart of the $1.9 trillion relief package Biden proposed in which is he pushing […]

Congress voted to approve granting a waiver to Joe Biden's pick for Secretary of Defense, setting the stage for Lloyd Austin to become the first Black person to ever lead that federal agency.

The nation's first Black Vice President echoed earlier calls for unity and reverence by the Lincoln Memorial Reflection Pool.

Biden's executive actions carry out the vision of his 100 day plan, and will also target underserved Black populations stressed under the weight of two pandemics, racism and the coronavirus.

America is officially under new leadership after the historic inauguration of Joe Biden, the 46th president of the United States, and Kamala Harris, the first-ever Black woman vice president.