Yes, that is alot of money but if I had it I would pay it to eat lunch with the Chief of Command. Yesterday in …… Continue Reading.  @GiovanniZeus    

In an altruistic move unparallelled on the right side of the aisle, President Barack Obama has joined key congressional Democrats in pledging to return 5…

If a new poll commissioned by BET founder and business magnate Robert Johnson is any indication, the myth of a monolithic Black America has been…

The History Channel’s miniseries “The Bible” is raising the ire of President Barack Obama devotees everywhere for supposedly making the series’ “Satan” character look just…

For President Barack Obama’s first trip as president to Israel, he played nice and focused on unity and friendship. VIDEO: GO POTUS! Obama Moves Forward With “Energy Security Trust” Plan Calling the U.S. Israel’s “greatest friend,” Obama assured our Middle East ally that the administration’s commitment to Israel’s security is solid, but also cautioned that change […]

Sunday night, the hugely popular television series “The Bible” debuted with their third installment, which concluded with the Old Testament and began with the New…

President Barack Obama and the First Lady discuss their lives before and after the White House, being effective parents, and how they stay true to…

On Wednesday, March 13th, in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden (pictured center) and U.S. Department of Justice chief Attorney General Eric Holder (pictured left) announced…


On Tuesday night, President Barack Obama will be giving his first State of the Union Address of his second term at 9 p.m. EST. Join…

As the nation mourns the death of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton, the Chicago teen who just performed with the King College Prep High School drill team…


In a ‘No Spin’ interview with General Colin Powell, Bill O’Reilly insinuated  that Powell engaged in identity politics by voting for President Barack Obama. O’…


In an interview with David Gregory on Meet The Press, NAACP President Ben Jealous (pictured) said that Black Americans “are doing far worse” under the…