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Horoscopes for March 31st – April 6th

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The Libra Full Moon that peaked last Monday coincided with the same sex marriage suits brought to the Supreme Court. That Moon opposed a host of planets in the sign of Aries above, calling for the acknowledgement of how we identify as individuals, and within our most significant relationships. The Supreme Court’s role in this case is akin to our own personal responsibility for putting the necessary structures in place that allow for the recognition of self and others; I’ve written more about this here. The impetus, then, to find a middle and common ground between selfhood in any form, and the external elements that support our individuality, will be a running theme over the next week or so leading up to the Aries New Moon scheduled for April 10th.  Check out your horoscopes below for the week ahead, and be sure to read for your Ascendant sign as well.

On the day you were born, all of the planets were positioned in the signs of the Zodiac – not just the Sun. To find out more about your full astrological make up, email Tracey for a personal Astrology reading at

With so many planets in your sign above, a rebirth of sorts has been your experience over the past few weeks. Now that you’re feeling rejuvenated, hopefully you can find a happy medium between individual goals and the needs of others. This conflict is most likely playing out for you at work, as your responsibilities on the job and with your colleagues are getting in the way of certain personal initiatives. Still, you have to manage those responsibilities, so find a way that benefits all. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion! Taurus: Mind/Body awareness came up for review around the time of last week’s Full Moon, reminding you that failure to look after both your physical lifestyle and psychological health affects your ability to see a broader picture of self. Your higher mind is expanding as a result of you disassembling certain beliefs and thoughts that no longer support who you are destined to become. Continual focus on streamlining your overall well being, then, is apt to bring considerable progress. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

Activity in different groups and social circles has picked up considerably. But all you want to do is focus on yourself, making room for important one-on-one connections and romance. Fair enough Gemini–ain’t nothing wrong with that! Just keep in mind that how and in what capacity you align with others (either financially or intimately) is changing. Once you figure out exactly where you want to invest your time, energy and resources, it might be easier, then, to reach equilibrium. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

Tension flared during last week’s Full Moon, causing a rethink on how much energy you spend at the office versus how much energy you spend at home (whether it be your physical space or emotional base). Most likely an event or incident occurred, making it alarmingly clear that you need to find more time to nurture yourself and realign with what you would consider your personal sanctuary. Keep the home/work balance under wraps, otherwise your relationships will suffer. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

You’ve been inspired to do so much these days, feeling enlightened and renewed with vitality! The challenge, however, has been finding ways to ground this sense of uplifting, so that you can actually start to apply it to your everyday life. The Full Moon last week may have heightened this need to communicate and implement the ideas brewing in your higher mind. And so the journey begins by re-prioritizing your daily affairs in order to put the necessary framework into place. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

What and how you share with others is just as important as what and how you provide for yourself. When you fail to recognize a good investment, or an opportunity to acquire additional items and resources for personal use; your ability to express your authenticity and unique attributes comes into question. You are slowly learning how to be more comfortable in your own skin; this transformation is both a personal journey and one that involves joining with others. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

The Full Moon last Monday had your name written all over it! This may have triggered a breakthrough that led to deeper understanding of how certain elements of you, Libra, keep you from experiencing relationship bliss. You are learning a great deal about yourself through others, and whether it’s good or bad, it is necessary in order for you to experience peace within. Your emotional well being will flourish as long as you maintain a clear image of yourself and others. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

You realize, now, just how you’ve been neglecting yourself. There’s a lot of activity taking place surrounding your daily affairs and livelihood, and this has forced you away from your internal core. Sooner or later, you will start to resent this inability to check in with you, and the message of last week’s Libra Full Moon begs the need to remedy the imbalance. Interestingly enough, a nice compromise may very well be found in your interaction with others, or a short trip out of town. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

Are you ready to commit to a certain someone, Sagittarius? I ask because last week’s Full Moon represented a severing of ties with a particular group, org or association with which you are currently aligned–and maybe for the sake of true love. But if love isn’t the impetus behind this break, then most likely it is simply for the sake of expressing your naturally authentic and creative self. Whatever the reasons, your esteem, worth, and personal/financial security thank you! Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

Hopefully you’ve been heeding my advice and paying tribute to your emotional well being. If so, you may find that a new dilemma arises, one that involves your career and profession. Because you are transforming in such a profound way, anything that fails to support your growth and personal journey must go, which may be your current job. I’m not suggesting that you quit altogether! What I am saying is that you realize now more than ever that something’s got to give. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

When you’re busy serving as community leader, or having face time with friends and those in your immediate environment; it’s easy to lose sight of your own purpose–that which sustains you and brings you a sense of meaning. Last week’s Libra Full Moon served as a reminder, so hopefully you’re back to your own personal journey. As you gain traction, keep in mind that your foresight and wisdom comes from acquiring universal knowledge matched with local stimulation. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

While the focus has been on your own self worth and financial security, you may have experienced a jolt last week during the Libra Full Moon that reminded you of just how much your worth and financial security is wrapped up with another’s. If you are flourishing as a result of joint ventures, then lucky for you. If not, the Full Moon may have shed some light on what ties need to be severed. Remember Pisces, your investments should serve you as much as they serve others. Join me for Thursday’s with Tracey on Thursday, April 4th at 3pm, where I’ll be answering your Astro questions! Visit my RofR Forums at for more information, and be sure to check back every Thursday for a new Astro topic and discussion!

About Astrologer Tracey Rogers

Our resident Astrologer Tracey Rogers has been studying Astrology for over a decade. She is well versed in the roles and functions of the celestial bodies that make up our Solar System, as well as those of the Zodiac signs they represent. With extensive knowledge of Western teachings and practices, Tracey believes that Astrology offers invaluable insight into the depths of one’s character and personality, endowing us with an acute self awareness that leads to practical guidance for everyday living. Tracey conducts a variety of workshops every month, with topics such as ‘Create Your Own Horoscope’ and ‘Dating Right for your AstroType.’ She has also been featured as a guest blogger for The Still Point and  A true café astrologer, Tracey is available for personal readings, and is flexible with public meeting locations. She also holds regular practice hours every Saturday at Manifest Joy in Takoma Park, MD. To book a reading in Takoma Park, send an inquiry to

For more information, visit Tracey’s official website at

Horoscopes for March 31st – April 6th, 2013  was originally published on