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Source: Rob Carr / Getty

Chanel PJ Hudson, CEO of The PR Mentality Network Agency, penned this open letter to Dwight in an attempt to help his sort through this current scandal, how he can be a leader and encourage other men to live their life in the light and not on the down-low.

Dear Dwight Howard,

My name is Chanel “PJ” Hudson and I am a transgender non-binary woman who used to be on the down-low because I was afraid my sexuality and identity would cause me to lose my family’s love and support. I finally decided to live and breathe in my truth after realizing their love for me would never change.

Recently, you made headlines after an allegation “outed” you and sent the public into an uproar. Your manhood and sexuality were questioned. Unlike a majority of the people who want to bash you into the ground, I’m here to help you understand how to walk on the ground that you have built for yourself. I know this seems impossible for you to grasp as your manhood, character and authenticity are all being judged and questioned by the masses, but think about your fellow brothers who exist in this world having to hide who they are because of fear.

First, let me apologize on behalf of the LGBT community for the outrageous remarks and banter around your name image and likeness, but I would also like to apologize to the individual who found it best to expose a truth that you probably was still trying to process. It is not okay for any member of any community that is outside of the societal norm to expose a person’s preferences as a form of revenge. With that being said, I think this is a time for self-reflection. As a professional fixer and crisis manager on the private circuit of the entertainment industry with a specification in sports, I feel, at this point, it would be more damaging to your brand and credibility if you falsely deny the accusations rather than standing in your truth.

The truth is someone who you thought you could trust, betrayed your trust by outing you to the public. The truth is you are a rich and successful basketball player that shares energies with other players within the organization who may be homophobic and who will try to make your life a living hell. The truth is you don’t have a firm grasp of understanding why this person would do this horrible thing to you in such a public way. The truth is Mr. Howard, that this moment in your life is a moment many down-low men have had to deal with at some point or another. It would behoove you to allow your team to simply deny the accusations opposed to celebrating the freedom that revenge has granted upon you. Because of who you are, you can steer the conversation in a direction that will help make progress in the down-low community and help normalize the conversation around the LGBTQ community.

In 2010, ran an article penned by Aliya S. King titled “The Mean Girls of Morehouse.” The administration found it best to create a proper attire policy that would put people like me in a box to protect the legacy of their illustrious all-male institution. I spoke my truth, was bashed all around the world, and fast forward to 2018 to the same administration, who is trying to find a way to accept “trans” students into their school. In late 2017, Spellman College assembled a committee to ensure quality trans applicants be given the same chance to receive the same education as a cis gender female. Had it not been for closeted down low individuals to open up and adhere to my truth, then I wouldn’t be able to have generated the tough skin needed to live free and authentic life. Be a hero.

With all respect,

Chanel PJ Hudson

CEO of The PR Mentality Network Agency


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An Open Letter To Dwight Howard: ‘Stand In Your Truth’ [Op-Ed]  was originally published on