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pHyre Hair Co.Source: pHyre Hair Co. / pHyre Hair Co.

As the seasons transition from summer to fall, Black women are readjusting their hair care routines to accommodate for the harsh, dry winds and colder nights to come.

Unfortunately, while trying an array of products, we sometimes forget to read some of back if the label for those ingredients that could potentially be damaging to our hair.

Lucky for us, Georgia based entrepreneur and wellness advocate Tina Fobbs has pulled from her own experiences with postpartum hair loss to give consumer pHyre Hair Co., a paraben and cruelty-free alternative produced  from a plant based formula.

pHyre Hair Co.Source: pHyre Hair Co. / pHyre Hair Co.

Though they only have a five-year footprint in the mainstream market, the company’s Grow My Hair Healthy Kit has received raving reviews and testimonies from women all over. The natural ingredients included are neem, coconut, lavender and peppermint, all of which effectively cleanse, condition, moisturize and strengthen hair that is prone to breakage and dryness while not having to worry about harmful chemicals and compounds that can damage your hair.

HelloBeautiful caught up with Tina Fobbs about The Grow My Hair Healthy Kit,  which includes Lavender Mint Hydrating Shampoo and Condition and Day 7 Maximum Hair ReGrowth Oil; the impact of her hair loss journey on her mental health and advice that she has for any reader who may be struggling with confidence and self-esteem while experiencing hair loss.

Postpartum Impact On Entrepreneurship:

“My struggle with postpartum hair loss was my main motivation for creating my first product, Day 7 Maximum Hair ReGrowth Oil. I had no idea what postpartum hair loss was until I experienced it. I found myself trying to use different hair products and oils but they lacked the ingredients that were needed. If I was never pushed to research on my own I wouldn’t have discovered all the benefits of natural herbs and oils.”

Mental Health and Hair Loss:

“It was really rough for me because I didn’t feel like myself. Trying to find products that helped me actually became stressful which didn’t help my hair at all. The only thing I could do was try to fix it. That’s why pHyre Hair Co. exists now. The endless research and talking to professionals took my mind off of what was happening. It was a matter of turning a negative into something positive.  Before I started to research and develop my own product I was completely ready to cut my hair off and embrace my new look.”

Self-Love, Body Image and Hair Loss:

“It was embarrassing for me at first. I used to say this can’t be real. I’m still in my 20’s!  I’m a firm believer that you have to choose the way you let things affect you. At the time I was dealing with something much bigger. My mom passed away just before I began to do all my research about hair loss.  So I was able to put things into perspective and realize that hair loss was not something that was going to destroy me. My beauty and my passion is way deeper than my hair.”

Behind The Creation of pHyre Hair Co:

“I started making products back in 2015 but never actually put the company out there. I really started focusing on pHyre Hair in 2019. By that time I had Shampoos, Conditioners and other products. My business best friend, Bella Rose, actually pushed me to let people know that this is my brand and these products work wonders.”

The Importance of Plant-Based Formula and Active Ingredients:

“It is extremely important to me because I never want people to be exposed to harsh chemicals when it comes to their hair. The added benefit is that your hair follicles will be nourished with natural oils and plant extracts.  Using harmful chemicals is counterproductive to the hair growth goals that people are trying to achieve. Some of the side effects of the ingredients used by the most popular brands have an awful impact on your scalp and hair, including hair loss. I choose to use a plant based formula so that women could revitalize and elevate their hair to the highest level of health. The products stimulate new hair growth by promoting additional blood circulation to the scalp, strengthening and encouraging hair follicles to remain in their growth phase.”

Grow My Hair Healthy Kit:

“I had the shampoo, conditioner and oil all sold separately at first. It was about May of 2020 that I put it together in a kit. The reason was because I talked to different customers and they were trying to achieve specific results. They wanted more full, longer hair. My answer was always that it’s not just the oil or just shampoo. Lavender Mint Shampoo and Conditioner plus Day 7 Maximum Hair ReGrowth Oil are the specific products I recommend for people dealing with hair loss or thinning hair. You cannot always just put oil on the problem but everyone is different. You have to take care of your scalp as well. All of these ingredients plus other herbs and oils that are known for their strengthening and hair growth stimulating properties have been merged into an exclusive combination to deliver the most reliable, safe, and healthy results for women.”

Advice on Confidence, Self-Esteem and Motivation While Suffering From Hair Loss:

“People react in many different ways to losing their hair. Particularly for women, hair loss can have a huge emotional impact. The best advice I can give is to never give up on yourself. Understand that there is a solution to every problem.  Find out why you are having the issue before you let it take control of your happiness. There are so many things that cause hair loss like stress, low vitamin intake, postpartum hair loss, alopecia, and so many other factors. Once you find why, it becomes easier to research how to take care of the issue.”


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Wellness Advocate Tina Fobbs Created pHyre Hair Co. After Her Own Struggle With Postpartum Hair Loss  was originally published on