While 2014 has been a particularly explosive year for the Black community and judicial system, the reality is, cops have been getting away with murder…

Yesterday, on a very special edition of 106 & Park, the focus was on recent events surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, featuring an interview with President Obama.…


The federal government is taking broad new steps to ban profiling by law enforcement agencies, bolstering a 2003 policy that previously only addressed the consideration…

Jay Electronica’s Twitter style is similar to his method of releasing music. He doesn’t give us much, but when he does, it hits with a…

Kadiatou Diallo, the mother of Amadou Diallo remains frustrated that police brutality is still taking innocent, unarmed Black lives. In an interview with CNN on Monday, Diallo…

Amidst all of the protests over the deaths of Eric Garner in New York and Michael Brown in Ferguson that have been happening across the country, Hollywood joined in…

20-year-old Ferguson activist Rasheen Aldridge Jr. was invited to the White House by President Obama, along with a few other young activists from Ferguson Commission–a…

Ever since being barred from entering the U.S., Yasiin Bey, formerly known as Mos Def, has kept himself out of the public. Aside from making…

“Saturday Night Live” Rags Staten Island Post Grand Jury Decision Staten Island was the butt of many jokes on “Saturday Night Live” last night, following…

(photo credit: FaceBook) In the wake of the refusal to indict Officers Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo for the murders of 18-year-old Michael Brown and 43-year-old Eric Garner, respectively, Kings County, Brooklyn district…

During the Seattle stop of his Songs in the Key of Life tour, Stevie Wonder shared with the crowd his frustration about the recent non-indictments…