After lending his voice to Rick Ross’s “Maybach Music,” Jay-Z has appeared on Kanye’s “Monster,”  Ross’ “Freemason,” “3 Kings” and “FuckwithMeYouKnowIGotIt” from this year’s “Magna…

Brand New! The latest from Rozay featuring Jay Z, ‘The Devil Is A Lie ‘

Hip-Hop is 40 years old, and XXL Magazine paid homage to the culture with five covers of some of hip-hop’s most influential emcees. While hip-hop…

Mr. Cater’s world tour is making it’s rounds across the country.  Next month Jay Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail tour will make it’s stop in Washington, D.C. at the Verizon Center. Here’s a look of what you’ll see.  Get Ready! Want to win tickets??? Tune in to my show Monday through Saturday from 2-6pm for your […]

Unless you slept through the entire Friday the 13th weekend, you are completely aware that Beyonce’ single-handedly demolished itunes and shocked the entire world with the release of her 5th album. The self titled visual masterpiece features 14 songs and 17 videos. For those who didn’t have the $15.99 to spare, keep calm, Beyonce’ released the full […]

  2013 was an interesting year for music, who was nominated and who will be a seat filler!? The Grammy Awards is the BIGGEST and BADDEST music award show.  This year is the 56th Grammy Awards, and the show will be held in Los Angeles, at the Staples Center, January 26th.  This year’s Grammy date […]

Jay Z and Pimp C are still Big Pimpin’!  As Jay Z celebrated his December 4th birthday, he also honored the late Pimp C who lost his  life on the same day six years ago. To pay homage to Pimp C, Jay Z released a remix to his “Magna Carta Holy Grail” track “Tom Ford.” The “Tom Ford” remix features […]

Hip-Hop is known to be a young man’s sport. However, Jay Z is still the leader of the pack despite being in his forties. In…


Jay Z took to his Life And Times website to announce that he and his beloved are going to try a vegan diet for the…