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1. Superman’s pants don’t burn

While working on a rough and tumble fishing boat for all of one minute a distress call comes from an oil rig. Some workers were trapped with no hope for escape. But their new greenhorn (rookie) just happened to be Superman which means he was their greenhorn no longer.

Dude showed up on the oil rig and ripped a door off its hinges to set the trapped workers free. Problem? Superman was on fire from head to toe…but his pants weren’t even cooking. Mind you, his shirt, socks and shoes were all gone. But somehow his pants remained intact enough so as not to get you a look at his Superjunk.

I’m sure showing Superman’s power pebbles would put a serious crimp on the movie’s ability to remain PG-13, but at least come up with some kind of believable back story for why his pants won’t burn. Or just shoot him at angles where he’s implying nudity. Imagine Superman showing up butt naked to rescue the workers and they’re all staring at his business. Comedy writes itself, gentlemen. Let’s get it right next time.

4 Superhero-Sized Issues With “The Man Of Steel”  was originally published on

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