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Yung Miami was involved in a shooting late Monday night as she left Circle House Studios. Her G-Wagon was shot multiple times in her hometown of Miami. Yung Miami told the police the car that was shooting at her had their lights off as they followed her. Fortunately, her and her unborn child were unharmed. […]

Cardi B and Senator Bernie Sanders sat down to discuss current issues for his 2020 Presidential Campaign video. The video took place in a Detroit nail salon, TEN Nail Bar, owned by two Black women. The two spoke on everything from climate change to student debt. Cardi took to instagram to share how her time […]

School shootings happen far more often than they should. Any parent who sends their kids off to school worry that something horrible could happen in the classroom. Some parents have gone as far to buy bulletproof backpacks for their children. Stores like Office Depot and Office Max have begun selling Guard Dog Security brand bulletproof […]